:: About This Blog ::

This a special blog regarding my life... read with discretion. Some might not like what I say.. some would cherish it as words of wisdom. For me, these are the words of my experience.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Cuti Cuti Malaysia

"Bersama kapitan tokey kebun durian"

Dah lama tak update blog nih. Maklum le aku kat Johor sekarang ni. So takde masa sangat nak online lama-lama. Ini pun aku postkan entry pendek je, tapi harapnya menarik perhatian korang.

Ari tu si kap ajak pegi makan durian kat dusun durian bapak dia. Haiyoo, makan free beb... mesti tak tolak punyer. So pegi ler kami berempat; abu, moks, arwah riez ngan syed. Tapi kami tak tahu pulak yg dusun tu punyer la jauh masuk ke dalam estate.

Sesampai kat dusun tu, Kap plak lupa bawak kunci pagar dusun. Jadi terpaksa le lalu ikut celah kawat pagar berduri. Riez (sebab badan dia besor), terlekat kat kawat pagar tu. Kami dlm gelak ketawa, tolong le dia.. kesian gak, terkial2 dia nak lepaskan badan (ada la dekat 15 minit). Merah padam muka dia.

Tapi tak per la.. dia sporting. Dah lepas pagar, terus kami kumpul durian untuk makan. Hmm.. best jugak. Tapi tak dapat lepak lama kat dusun tu, sebab hari dah nak gelap. (mcm biasa le, kalu plan gi mana2 mesti last minit). Kami cepat2 la makan, sbb biasanya kat dusun durian ni ada HARIMAU !! Fuiyooo...Takuttttttt

Balik kenyang perut.. senang hati. TQ Kap! Musim durian lain kali jemput le lagi kami melantak kat kebun ko tuh.. sure habis nyerrrr.. ahaxxx

Pejam celik pejam celik, cuti sekolah pun dah bermula. Tapi aku punya cuti tinggal lagi sebulan. Sepanjang cuti ni aku jarang online dan tak berkesempatan nak update blog. Sebenarnya banyak cerita yang aku nak cerita, tapi asyik tertangguh-tangguh sampai lupa topik yang nak diceritakan.

Cuti sekolah, juga dikenali sebagai ‘musim mengawan’ di kalangan orang-orang muda masyarakat kita. Ye'lah, time ni lah ramai orang memenuhi chatroom mychub dengan pelbagai harapan. Tak kurang juga bapak-bapak budak yang mencari anak-anak ikan. Kemeriahan terasa terutama diwaktu malam. Tak menang tangan berceloteh melayan kengkawan.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

After 6 hours...

Phew!!! Managed to reconstruct 1/2 of the server functions. It was no easy task. The Active Directory keeps fumbling with all sorts of errors. My back-up server was an old Win2K. It didn't connect very well with Win2003. But after a few trial and errors, i managed to find a trick to fool the system into believing it's a PDC and overwrite the old configuration.

The second problem was Oracle 9i. The enterprise edition was very fussy about it's settings and with the scarce documentation that I had with me. I set about to re-install the whole thing instead of trying to salvage whatever i can from the old back-up tape. Fortunately for me, there was a system snapshot of the old config so that I have at least a way to revive the database.

The third problem was with the ApacheTomcat installation. The provided documentation was totally different with what my system was configured. So with what little I have on my hands, i changed the whole lot of the XML files to suit the system need.

Well.. things to do:-
1) Optimize and tweak the system for peak performance.
2) BACKUP! Backup! backup!
3) Harden the security of the system to prevent my stupid apprentice from fumbling with the system.
4) Claim exorbitantly for the service so that it could pay my trip to Europe (i wish*)

Hahahha... 6 more hours to go