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This a special blog regarding my life... read with discretion. Some might not like what I say.. some would cherish it as words of wisdom. For me, these are the words of my experience.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Post Raya Work & More Work

Well.. i finally got the database working. Now idling around with nothing to do. Got one more week before my long holiday and I need to finish off whatever I need to do before that. Somehow or rather I'm not in the zest to do anything today.

Went back home and cook for lunch. Curry chicken, some prawns and a bit of rice. Filling but I think i added in too much oil and grease. Now bloated and kinda lazy. Hauled myself back to the office for more idle stuff and killing time until my next paycheck arrives.

Did a little bit of research on the latest java programming development. I can do a lot with Java but PHP is the "in-thing" nowadays. Not many hosting supports java and those that do cost a hefty sum. Need an idea on how to generate a search module for mychub. But I'll put that on hold until next week, when a new team of web developers volunteer comes in.

Dabbled abit with the Xeon server and updated some patches. Did a bit of hack on the 2003 terminal server. I hate windows.. but my vendor swears that thats the way to go. If I'd go my way, I would change it to linux and stick to it. Updated my personal Blade Red Hat server to the latest patch and upgraded the webmin module to version 1.70.

Then read some online new at tomshardware.com. Nothing much to catch there, a new article on how to make a cheap XGA projector. Maybe I would try one of those.. have a couple of old laptops that needs to be thrown away. Salvage the LCD screen and hook it up to a projector.

Tinkered abit with MsSQL 8, personally I prefer Oracle 9i better. No comprimise! Whatever MS puts under the hood just makes the server crawls. The microsoft way... hehehe.

So that's all for today... maybe tomorrow I have more exciting stuff to write.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Raya tahun ni tak berapa meriah. Maklom la.. raya ke-4 dah kena kerja balik. Adoii malasnyer... Aku ada satu projek belom siap lagi ni... Buat Database application. Sengaja aku lengah2 sampai last minit. Mana ler tahu.. kot kot ada idea canggih datang time-time last minit nie.

Pagi raya pertama aku pegi beraya kat rumah Adie (Bleubar) - sempat la makan ala kadar. SMS Riez, akak dia sakit masuk hospital. So kensel gi rumah riez. Then pegi rumah Kapitan - makan lagie. Pastu ajak kapitan pegi rumah Imran - perut dah kembong tak leh nak makan lagi. Lekat kat rumah imran dekat 2 jam.. gara-gara nak tunggu Suhaili datang. Bila suhaili sampai, then ramai-ramai gi rumah Abg Mokhtar. Borak-borak sampai la maghrib. Dah gerak nak balik.. alih-alih dapat idea nak gi Muar plak. So call la Hardchub. Nasib baik Hard ada kat umah. Kap macam biasa bawak kereta sesat sampai Sg Mati nak masuk Serom. Sampai umah hard makan lagie. Pastu hard ajak gi beraya rumah Bigmalay (Biggie).. terus konvoi gi rumah biggie. Borak lagi sampai la kul 12 mlm.

Lepas hantar sumer balik, sampai rumah dah dekat 3 pagi. Letih giler.. terus tido.

Besoknya bangun tido kul 11 pagi. Terus masuk opis... ingat nak siapkan database.. idea tarak. Buat itu ini.. check e-mail bla bla bla.. dah kul 11 malam. Aiseh.. cepatnya masa berlalu. Balik rumah terus makan dan tido. Then bangun kul 9 pagi.. siap apa yang patut.. then hantar Jesnita balik KL. kat highway plak jem.. nak balik singgah kat R&R.. nasi habis.. terpaksa la aku makan bubur nasi je nak alas perut sementara nak sampai rumah.

Atas highway baru aku perasan minyak dah nak habis. Dalam wallet tinggal seringgit je. Lupa nak cucuk duit kat ATM. Singgah kat Seremban .. ATM tergendala sebentar. Ok tak pe.. singgah kat Restoran Jejantas Ayer Keroh.. sama jugak.. ATM tergendala. Aiseh.. minyak dah sampai menyala E. Gamble je la.. pecut sampai jugak kat rumah. Sempat plak singgah kat opis kejap.. uiks.. aku ada sehari lagi dateline untuk database ni.. tak per tangguh lagi. Masih ada masa...

Kepala aku dah pening.. besok harapnya idea datang mencurah-curah untuk database project ni. Sementara tu.. copy masuk thumbdrive. Kot kat umah nanti aku terasa nak buat. Maybe lepas tengok DVD citer "The Incredibles". Aku ada semangat sket nak buat. Tuh ler.. aku sumpah seranah boss baru ni.. kedekut nak mampoz. Orang suruh bayor RM 4000 untuk database yang dah siap tak nak.. dok suruh aku buat free free. Hmm.. jawabnya aku buat cincai je la.. jangan marah plak kalu tak ikut spec. Aku pakai Access je.. padan muka ko. Kalu nak version pakai Oracle.. bayor la. Pueh hati.