:: About This Blog ::

This a special blog regarding my life... read with discretion. Some might not like what I say.. some would cherish it as words of wisdom. For me, these are the words of my experience.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

BTN Course 2007

I will not be available for 1 months starting from today due to The Malaysian Govt requesting all foreign bound students (young or old) to go through BTN (Biro Tata Negara) course. After that, I will participating in an International conference.

*grumble.. grumble.. grumble..*

Update (27/05/07):-
I've made it ALIVE. To my suprise, the course was not half bad. Met some interesting friends along the way and not to mention some awsome experience.
The best of all, the govt had raised the salary level to abt 35%. This translates to more income for my pocket. Luv u Pak Lah.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Today I lost another friend

Today I lost another great friend.

Yazid aka AbgHairyChubSG passed away suddenly on Monday, 4 June 2007 at approx 2200 Hours. His sister only got to know upon entering this room at approx 0100 Hours and saw the late sprawled on the floor next to his bed. Allahyarham Yazid was buried safely on Tuesday after zohor. May his soul rest in peace and be amongst the forgiven of Allah Swt.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Shops

I've noticed that shops in Austria seem to close MUCH EARLIER compared to other European cities. If you were to speak with most Europeans, they most probably will appear unfazed by this. But to the average Asian, we are indeed surprised by this 'revelation' because you can find no equivalent of the '7-Eleven' store here in Austria (read: 24 hour shopping)! However, shops in tourist areas often stay open later than normal and have longer weekend hours (including Sundays) during the peak tourist season. Anyhow, here's a general guideline of the store opening hours here in Vienna/ Austria:- Monday-Friday: 8 or 9AM - 6PM. In smaller towns and villages, shops may close for 1 to 3 hours at midday. Saturday: 8 or 9AM - Noon or 1PM (till 5 p.m. on the first Saturday of the month). Sunday and Public Holidays: CLOSED.

Friday, January 19, 2007

New Year Celebration 2007

During the New Year 2007, a few Indonesian and Singaporean friends came to Malaysia and celebrated with us.

Really appreciate your company and hope to see you guys again soon.