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This a special blog regarding my life... read with discretion. Some might not like what I say.. some would cherish it as words of wisdom. For me, these are the words of my experience.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Back in Vienna

Finally back in Vienna. After quite a stint in Malaysia. I finally got the green light from my sponsors to come back to Europe and start my 1st classes.

It was not easy since the recent Muslim Comic uproar, it's not really safe to go anywhere in Europe. Fortunately, in Vienna they are oblivious to such things and I managed to convinced my sponsors that I should be fairly safe here.

The Faculty of Computer Science is a huge complex which houses all of the computational departments in here. There was a small get together with the professors and I was formally introduced to much of the facilities available here. I have access to the supercomputer grid and ample computing time given for my use.

These 2 girls are my research assistant. Jessica and Larissa. They have been assigned by the university to help me out while I am here.

I accidentally saw a faculty that interest me: http://www.univie.ac.at/gender/
The Faculty of Gender Studies. I might take up a few extra courses there.. hehehe

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