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This a special blog regarding my life... read with discretion. Some might not like what I say.. some would cherish it as words of wisdom. For me, these are the words of my experience.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Picassa from Google

I've been using this new software from Google called Picassa. It's really cool coz I can now manage the thousands of pictures in my Harddisk and some I have never seen before hidden away in some remote folder.

It also has the functionality of uploading it to a blog and making a webpage out of it.

The final kick was the functionality of viewing videos as well as pictures.

It's really fast since it uses the google desktop engine under it's hood. Here are some jewels I found tucked inside my HDD.

A candid pic of my late friend Riez ( ...miss you so much! )

The late Riez, Syed & Me

The 1st JB Gathering - Circa year 2000

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