I'm not feeling well today. It's not yet a full blown fever. But it's coming soon. I can feel it in me bones. The un-easyness, the restlessness. A pain on the neck. All symtoms of a coming fever. But yet I refuse to do anything about it. I'm just one of those naturalist... i don't believe in drugs or anything that's related to drugs to cure me. In fact, the body should heal naturally over time, it will then be strong enough to fight any sort of illness in the future.
Our world world is full of chemicals. i despies insect repellent sprays and other toxicity that is being dump into our atmosphere. What I need is a good long vacation. Okay.. that's what I'll do. I'll take a week's break and maybe try to detoxify myself... sun, sea and sand.. here i come..!! meanwhile I need to lay in bed a few hours and let my aching body rest a bit.
Before that.....
Finally, I managed to rummage and sorted all the 3000 data within record time. Had a presentation meeting at 4.00 and I finished the report printout at 3.45. *Pheww!* a close call.
With trembling fingers I pushed the print button and it's all done.
The rest of the afternoon was spent sleeping in the office. Yes.. I have one of the luxuries of having my own office with a small bedroom which I sometimes takes a nap there... a small corner with a comfy bed and a cozy pillow. Felt heavenly for a while.... zzZZZzzzzz... zzZZZzzzz
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